Tuesday, October 19, 2010

administrative software reflection

This information was quite useful. Many of the terms were explained so that I now know the difference between administrative and academic software and have also learned about the various programs that are currently being used. The assortment of admin software has been used by a lot of teachers, including those for attendance, assessment, record keeping, and presentations. I have found the word processing program to be a life saver on many occasions. I have also introduced some of my students to the word processor and they love finding 'their letters' for their names and for their friends. Evaluating and using software does take some time but it is better to do it than to waste $ and time for something that is inappropriate of just a waste of time.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ch. 6 reflection

The use of digital technology in the classroom is a really great way to add another layer to the learning styles that many students may need. I know that in my household, many of these items have been in use at one time or another and continue to be updated with each new gadget that comes along!(Is there a graveyard for obsolete or dead electronics?)! The digital camera is such a great tool for the classroom. For the early grades, it can be used to provide visual aids for materials and pre-reading experiences. The new video cameras (I own a Flip) also help to capture short plays and activities. These help us to share the classroom experience with parents and the community. Touchscreens would be great for early learners as well as those with special needs. My Promethean board is nice for sharing information with a whole group and their are some good resources that are included with it. With so many resources available it often seems that we should have our own personal power grid and charging stations. Something has always got to be charging, including me, but all I need is some chocolate and a Diet Dr. Pepper.