Monday, August 30, 2010

Ch. 1 reflections

I have just identified myself as one of the technology illiterate. According to Fisch, I am destined to be put out to pasture if I don't step up my game. So, here I am trying to join the world of technology in order to better serve my students . I have come to the realization that I am probably not alone in this endeavor. When I was finishing school, the internet was not even available and access to a computer was very limited. There was no formal training that I was aware of , so I kind of landed in a time warp of sorts. Technology has so much to offer; unlimited resources for education, entertainment, and communication. My only concerns with this however is that without proper instruction and the ability to sort out fact from fiction, many students will read something on the web and believe it to be true. The issue of privacy is also be a concern. Will continual conversing on the web lead to a new generation of children with out the necessary skills to have a face to face conversation? I worry about the development of interpersonal skills. There is a new Promethean board in my classroom and it was used mostly as a resource rather than a full on teaching tool. For my class, it was enjoyable and provided some great activities, but those hands-on manipulatives would win out every time. However, partnering up students for a learning game at the desktop seemed to be much more effective. I'm here, ready to step into the world of technology (with some trepidation). Let's see where it takes me.


  1. Hopefully this weeks post by Kelly Hines will make you feel a little better ;) I really appreciate your concerns, especially with the age of the students you are with. Much of what we will do in class will have more obvious applications in the upper elementary and high school. It is going to be a huge challenge for us both to identify ways to modify what we do for your classroom.

    For that reason, I would really like for you to focus on how you can take what we discuss in class and use it in your specific environment. Maybe for this weeks post you can tell me how you might be able to use a blog in your classroom?

    I think the real value in this class for you will be in this direction (although I suspect you will still enjoy our discussions over the issues raised from the readings as well ;)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Congratulations and good luck on your journey!There are many examples of blogs and the use of tech in the early years; you might like to take a look at some of these to give you a better idea of the possiblities

    and my own blog for our Kindergarten

